"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover".

-Mark Twain

This year I'm lucky enough to be travelling around Australia in a campervan, exploring the beautiful contrasts of this country and discovering new people, places & experiences everyday....Read on to see what today's discovery has been!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I missed my calling as a painter!!

I am absolutely loving the band the temper trap atm, they've been providing the perfect anthems for my trip. Current favourite is sweet disposition;
never too soon
oh, reckless abandon
like no one's watching you
a moment
a love
a dream
a kiss
a cry
our rights
our wrongs

a moment a love
a dream
a moment a love
a dream


(Thats the part where it gets really good and I sing it as loud as I type it)

The friend im staying with is renovating his house and I was keen to help out so he gave me a wall and let me loose. I'll be honest, I was pretty bad at "cutting in" (the technical term for the real fiddly bits along the edges) but give me a roller and I'm good to go. The temper trap playing on my ipod, cliche yet necessary scarf on my head, and note the little bit of extra love painted on the walls, it was all very therepeutic.

Also, checked out surfers paradise markets and went for a walk on the beach (was going to get a photo of me under the sign but felt way too touristy so thats just a bunch of random people). It felt like a bit of a strange place to hold markets; central surfers paradise isn't exactly a small town with colourful hippie characters which I think is more than half the charm of markets for me. Although I was amazed by this one man who was doing the most incredible "leather drawings"- the photo doesnt do it justice but he was writing peoples names and they looked so amazing I couldnt stop watching. Loved the sand art on the beach too!

Ok so its definitely time for bed now, its very late. And you know how the longer you stay up, every little noise in the world starts to become a scene from the last law&order you watched? Although it just started raining so my reasoning is that any mass murderers around wouldnt be waiting outside the window anymore, they would have just got it over with and come inside to get out of the rain. And they haven't. Which I'm quite happy about. Danielle coey, I will forever blame you for your influence on my scary movie addiction during highschool and the late night terrors I've experienced since!


  1. You are so awesome! I love Temper Trap too.. definitely a fave! And so appropriate for wall painting. That elephant is amazing - I dreamt about an elephant the other night but anyway thats off topic. I love your blog! Keep it coming!

  2. I agree with Jus :)
    And as for the leather drawings - I own one of them myself! My aunty got one done for me a few years back with my name done it beautiful illustrations. Glad you're enjoying yourself!
