"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover".

-Mark Twain

This year I'm lucky enough to be travelling around Australia in a campervan, exploring the beautiful contrasts of this country and discovering new people, places & experiences everyday....Read on to see what today's discovery has been!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3 hash cookies cost $15

Yep you guessed it….today we went to NIMBIN! What can I say? I’ve long heard jokes about this town being the drug capital of Australia, full of weed-smoking hippies…and from what we witnessed; its reputation has been deservedly earned!
As you may pick up in the photos, absolutely every aspect of this town seems to come back to their favourite ‘medicinal drug’. The Nimbin Museum (“Entry $2, but come in anyway…”) is where most of the photos are taken; 8 rooms filled with rusting kombi vans, political verbal bashings, scandalous images, and every other marijuana paraphernalia you could possibly imagine, all coming back to the towns apparent mission; the war on legalising drug use.
I loved exploring the town and definitely think it’s worth the trip; but to be honest, it was all a little depressing. A part of me almost wished that the whole place was a novelty theme park of sorts; that the people sitting in the streets with empty eyes and cigarettes were just acting out this lifestyle. It kind of seemed their whole world?

Some of their ideologies were definitely on the right track, I am a sucker for good qu
otes and I loved the little wisdoms
spread everywhere; read my favourite at the bottom of this blog.

Oh, and if you’re after those cookies or anything of the sort, I recommend the little alley next to the museum. From what we saw, there was at least seven dealers in 50 metres!!! “No thankyou” “I’m good thanks” “Not today” “Noooooooo”.

Regardless of your reasons for visiting…Nimbin truly is an experience!


  1. This was definitely a cultural wake-up for me too when I went to Nimbin. Did you see a dog, high, laying on the sidewalk with a chalk mark around it's body? That and people whispering 'cookies' in your ear? They sure know who the tourists are. We had a great little smoothie though at this really cute shop... something I still crave at times... close to the entrance of Nimbin on the main road!
    Enjoy your travels, Claire! I'm loving reading all about your journey. I'll try to not be a blog stalker either! Haha!

  2. Great to hear from you sheena. Love your feedback- blogstalk away!:P xxx
