"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover".

-Mark Twain

This year I'm lucky enough to be travelling around Australia in a campervan, exploring the beautiful contrasts of this country and discovering new people, places & experiences everyday....Read on to see what today's discovery has been!

Monday, March 1, 2010

My van and its roof racks are NOT less than 2.1 metres high

Newcastle today to see the beautiful Emma Stevenson!!
Unfortunately I'd been in town all of 10 minutes when we decided to use a coles underground carpark on our way to get essential picnic supplies...excited & chatty as we were, we failed to see the bright yellow "CAUTION: Maximum Height 2.1m" sign.
Cue in the title of todays discovery...I can confidently say that the combined height of my van and the metal cage thing on the roof racks is definitely NOT less than 2.1 metres in height. In fact, by the sound of the clearance bar hitting my van, I would go so far as to argue that it is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than 2.1 metres.
Hahaha emma and i could NOT stop laughing.
Admitedly, we didn't initially realise the damage we'd actually caused (dented roof, dislodged roofracks, a few broken panels....) but in its odd way, even that made us laugh a little bit more.
Unfortunately, we still had the problem of getting OUT of the carpark- there was no way of avoiding that bar the second time around!
Not alot of help was gained from the non-english speaking trolley men "can you help us?" "where are you from?" "we cant get out" "are you new here?" "IS THAT EVEN RELEVANT RIGHT NOW??"
Cue in the hero of the day, Emma's friend Corey. After his disbelief that we hadn't seen the sign in the first place and how we possibly thought we were ever going to make it under that bar, he managed to unscrew the racks and we put the cage (including tents, tables, chairs etc) inside the van -where its temporarily living in what WAS my bed.
Here's a small reenactment of todays events when we later returned to the scene of the crime...

Luckily the picnic made it all worthwhile...
IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN "THE BLIND SIDE" AT THE MOVIES YET, DO IT NOW!! We saw it this afternoon and it is honestly one of the best movies I have seen in SUCH a long time. Sandra Bullock's character absolutely made the movie (this is my second reference to her on this blog...bizarre) and it was such a genuine feel-good comedy.
I love the part where others are telling Sandra's character that she's doing such a good thing; she's changing Michaels life. And in that moment she realises that it's actually him changing hers. Such a powerful lesson in living a life for others.
The Blind Side has gone straight to my list of favourite movies of all time. If you don't take my word for it...I bet the trailer will get you hooked:

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