"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover".

-Mark Twain

This year I'm lucky enough to be travelling around Australia in a campervan, exploring the beautiful contrasts of this country and discovering new people, places & experiences everyday....Read on to see what today's discovery has been!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia; love love love!!!

I watched this movie with absolutely no prior knowledge about its plot; only that it had meryl streep in it and I think she's literally the best actress in Hollywood today. I LOVED IT! If you haven't seen it; make sure you do!

It combines so many of my favourite things;
cooking for people you love
learning from the legacy others have left
taking on challenges that end up being more about what you learn about yourself
and my ever growing obsession with the alluring charm of the 1950's housewife!
What a magical movie!

Lessons from Julie; conquering your weaknesses, persisting through frustrations & set-backs, celebrating with true friends, learning important relationship/marriage lessons (selflessness), & choosing to pursue her passion despite the mundane normality of other areas of her life.

Lessons from Julia; beauty, grace & passion. The value & importance of true friends. The ability to charm anyone; with only the best intentions. An appreciation for good food, wine, culture & company. She brought out the best in EVERYONE, she possessed a stuborn determination. And I adored her sincere & sacrificing love for her husband.

I can so relate to Julia's sheer determination to prove herself in the onion cutting scene (classic!) and also to Julie's kitchen floor breakdown in the dropped chicken scene.

Any feminist in my life will be disappointed to know I am seriously in love with the idea of the 1950's housewife. As I said in a rambling email to one of my friends recently; "The art of the ultimate housewife is a dying one, and we should definitely bring it back in all its glory! i mean what happened to baking something everytime someone came over? or having the dinner on the table when your man walks in the door? or taking homemade sweets of some sort to someones house when you go there for dinner? im a traditionalist through and through- those things are awesome!" Yes yes I know these things aren't for everyone or everyones lifestyle, & things can get in the way...BUT, each to their own; & I still love the idea of it :)

Speaking of which; this obsession is currently being expressed (& tripled!) by a fun creative project I've taken on as I'm travelling down the east coast. I'll keep it to myself until I can get back & actually get it started; but I'm veryyyyyy excited!!!! Feels good to have come alive to a plan again. Ive been on an absolute creative rampage. Let the fun begin!

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