"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover".

-Mark Twain

This year I'm lucky enough to be travelling around Australia in a campervan, exploring the beautiful contrasts of this country and discovering new people, places & experiences everyday....Read on to see what today's discovery has been!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Changing Seasons

I’m in an exciting season! 28 days away from graduating a 4 year uni degree, and am set to journey around Australia as of January, on what I intend to be the trip of a lifetime. Hygenic hippie here i come.

It’s amazing to think; uni has literally consumed so much of my life in these past four years (ask my friends! Somewhat of a nerdy hermit in those crazy assessment times!).

What a huge change to finish a season and launch into a new one; with new priorities, new rules, new expectations, new possibilities? Who knows what’s around the corner.

So often we can label ourselves based on what we do. “Oh I’m a uni student”. The labels are endless “I’m a daughter, a son, a father, a friend, a sister, a wife, a teacher, a business man...I work in this job, I do this on the weekend, I am involved in this club, I play this sport”...

And often we don’t realise how much we’ve taken on a label until you’re about to leave it behind. What a weird concept, seeing yourself as a uni student then no longer being one.
It’s like the football player who’s been a star his whole life and is now facing retirement; he feels like he’s lost everything he’s built his life upon (this is a shout out to fellow studiers of sports psych).

New seasons always seem to make me re-think this question: Where do I get my value? Where do you find yours? Your job? Your money? Your friends? Your family? Your education?

These are all positive things. But don’t they seem so unstable and inconsistent? If any or all of those things were taken away; of course you’d feel loss, possibly even grief, but would your value be affected?

It’s times like these I’m reminded how lucky I am to have such a gracious, loving God. Who unconditionally loves me; my creator, who knows all and loves anyway. That is the greatest gift in the world...to lay my head on a pillow at night and know that no matter what season I’m in, I am a daughter of the most high God. It’s a value that can never be shaken, tainted or taken away.

So does the future scare me? Sometimes. Will it be an amazing adventure? I’ll make sure of it.

New roles and new titles- bring it on! “a peace that surpasses all understanding”

Treasure this life for all it’s worth.

Love x

I dedicate this blog to one of the most beautiful girls i know; who's attitude towards change & new seasons has been such an inspiration to so many around her. The best is yet to come darling girl